Disaster Relief Shelter
Using structural, lightweight panels means bodopods are self supporting and therefore do not require any additional poles or guy ropes. They offer the same non permanency as a tent but are designed to last from the emergency phase through to the transitional shelter phase. When no longer required for shelter, they can be used as a foundation to build around providing a strong structure to stand up to any future disasters. Alternatively they can be dismantled and the materials used in the reconstruction of the original dwelling or if no longer required, collected, cleaned and reused or recycled.

Military Shelter
For use as base camps and field hospitals. The speed at which the shelter can be assembled makes it an ideal choice for military camps and field hospitals. The solid, composite panels can be upgraded with bulletproof/blast proof materials giving increased protection to occupants.

Military Rear View

Military Side View

Military Top View
Field Hospital
The addition of a foldout 4way junction allows wards to be laid out from central corridors. Each ward has doors to them giving the medical staff the ability to reduce infection spread and control room usage for different purposes. Being made up of solid, composite panels increases the ease at which hygiene cleaning processes can be carried out and helps maintain HVAC (heating, ventilation & air conditioning) room control.

Field Hospital Top Cut Away View

Field Hospital Top Length View